Monday, July 20, 2009










新山民众也在前晚举行哀悼赵明福的烛光会。人民公正党总财政兼雪州士拉央区国会议员 梁自坚律师在前日出席了由国会反对党领袖安华在雪州反贪污委员会总部率 领的提呈抗议备忘录后,马上南下新山,于晚上向百名包括新山民众与民联支持者汇报最新进展。许多愤怒的民众纷纷手持标语“反贪委须负全责”、“还明福一个 公道”等卡片。

该追悼会是在昨晚11时于人民公正党柔南服务中心楼下展开。出席者包括人民公正党柔州署理主席苏巴拉、州顾问邓授文、州财 政陈仁明、柔公青团团长查必迪Z与秘书郑宏斌、蒲莱区部妇女组主席陈宝来,回教党巴西古当区部主席赛奥斯曼和民主行动党振林山国会选区联委会妇女组主席黄 祥銮。





Saturday, July 18, 2009


  • 座談會3位主講人,左起:梁自堅、黃潔冰;右起:李文材以及主持人鄭立慷。(圖:星洲日報)











Tuesday, July 14, 2009










The removal of the Bumiputra equity quota for foreign investments and property transactions is no longer sufficient to attract Foreign Direct Investments to Malaysia in today’s competitive global environment. These measures should have been put into place when Malaysia was in the forefront of the new developing countries with Singapore, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. Today, these countries are way ahead of us together with other economies such as China and India. Countries that were behind us in their development; Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand have removed their restrictions on foreign ownership and have provided a whole series of incentives very much earlier and have attracted FDI to their countries. The removal of these restrictions and the abolishing of the FIC therefore are too little too late and will not be sufficient to attract FDI to return to Malaysia. Once the FDI have left they are not going to return. These moves are not going to give us the edge needed in the competition for FDI.

What is needed today to attract fresh FDI is for the government to have the political will to fix the real problems behind the country’s lost of competitiveness. These are firstly corruption, secondly the country’s high crime rate, thirdly the lack of an independent judiciary and the fourthly the inefficient education system producing school leavers without the necessary skills and abilities to enter the work force.

It must also not be forgotten that by Barisan Nasional’s own admission as one of the excuse for continuing the NEP is that the objective of eradicating poverty, has not been achieved and indeed it has not as we can see with the growing urban poor crowding in the cities’ slums. Therefore the removal of these restrictions without providing for affirmative programs (without consideration of race and religion) for the poor and disadvantaged will cause them to remain trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty. This will only lead to a widening of the gap between the rich and the poor in Malaysia. The Prime Minister must not in the attempt to gain popular support come out with knee jerk reactions that will lead to dire consequences to the social economic conditions in the country.

William Leong Jee Keen
Member of Parliament

Thursday, July 2, 2009













Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Debate On Witness Protection Bill 2008

Yang Berhormat Tan Sri Yang Dipertua,

I am grateful to be given the opportunity to participate in the debate on Witness Protection Bill 2008.


1. The ability of a witness to give testimony at a trial without fear of intimidation or reprisal is essential to maintaining the rule of law. Increasingly, countries are enacting legislation or adopting policies to protect witnesses whose cooperation with law enforcement agencies or testimony in court would endanger their lives or those of their families.

2. Protection may be as simple as providing a police escort to the Court room, offering temporary residents in a safe house or using modern communication technology such as video conferencing for testimony. The origins of the witness protection programme started in the United States of America in the 1970s as a legally sanction procedure to bring justice against the Mafia and other powerful criminal organizations. The cooperation of the witness had become critical to the successful prosecution of the offender but because of the powerful capabilities of the criminal group, it became necessary for the government to provide for the safety of the witness. This protection came in the form of resettlement of the witnesses under a new identity and including a new place of residents either in the same country or a foreign country.

The Malaysian Witness Protection Bill 2008

3. I welcome the enactment of a Witness Protection Act to maintain the rule of law and to provide our citizens safety from criminals. However, there appears to be several questions that needs to be answered to ensure that this Witness Protection Act is effective and is also fair to the accuse so that no innocent man will be condemned by a witness telling lies to be protected under the programme.

Protection Against Whom

4. The Witness Protection Programme was started to combat organized crime in USA against the Mafia or in Hong Kong against the triads. I ask the Honourable Minister to provide us with the statistics and information as to the existence of organized crime in Malaysia and the instances in which prosecutions against leaders of the crime syndicates have failed because the witnesses were threatened and did not appear in Court or was killed or kidnapped to prevent them from giving evidence. The Witness Protection programme is a costly programme which includes resettling and maintaining the witness for a substantial period of time which may include the rest of his life. Therefore, the proper question that must be asked is whether Malaysia is having such a severe problem with organized crime that justifies the country in incurring such expenses.

The Costs: Need versus Want

5. This raises the question which I hereby ask the Honourable Minister to inform this House what is the expected costs of this programme. I see from the proposed provisions that the witness is to disclose his liabilities and his earnings. Does this mean that the Government will pay for all his liabilities including his housing loans and businesses loans and other liabilities and would also provide him with a salary that he would earned. In many cases, like America, the witness who is given the protection was a member of the criminal syndicate itself and had participated in the crime. If under this Act, the witness will not only be given a pardon from his crimes but also have his liabilities repaid and his future salaries ensured without having to work, it means under this Act, crime pays. It will be very lucrative to live a life of crime and then come to Court to finger someone and this may lead to abuse because of the benefits that the witness will obtain.

6. The decision whether to set up a witness protection programme must be reached on the basis of a thorough analysis of factors relating to the level and types of criminality within our Malaysian society, the frequency of violent against witnesses in criminal proceedings and the demonstrated ability and political will to prosecute high profile crimes and the availability of resources and finance to do so.

7. The Act has not specify what is the protection programme. The Act must specify at the minimum :

a.The protection measures;

b.The conditions for admission to the programme;

c.The procedure;

d.The authority and powers of the persons managing the programme;

e.The reasons for terminating the programme and withdrawal of protection of the witness;

f.Rights and obligations of the parties;

g.Confidentiality of the programmes.


8. I ask the Honourable Minister to inform this House the costs for the setting up and operating the witness protection programme. What is the costs of:

a.The expenses of setting up the unit and premises and the offices?

b.What is the relocation and resettlement costs for the witness?

c.The expected payment and salaries to maintain the witness?

d.The costs for the various medical and expert counseling and examination?

9. I would then ask the Honorable Minister to explain why this proposed costs and financial obligations that is to be incurred cannot be used:

a.For setting up more police stations?

b.Setting up of police beat;

c.Employing more policemen?

d.Putting more police personnel into crime prevention?

e.Ensuring that the ratio of policemen to the population is in accordance with the international standards ratio of 1: 250.

f.Providing more police cars and equipment to the police;

g.Setting up additional police training schools to increase the intake of police personnel;

h.What is the percentage of this costs compared to the budget of the police?


10. It cannot be denied that corruption is one of the biggest problems in this country. It is in the nature of corruption that the offenders are persons who will be holding senior positions in governments and even in the enforcement agencies themselves. This is why we have the recommendations IPCMC and Enforcement Agencies Integrity Commission. How can the witness be assured that the persons managing this programme are independent from the influence of the persons which may be holding very high and powerful positions. We have the case of the private investigator, Balasubramaniam who after giving the first statutory declaration is called to the police station and a few days later and then holds a press conference to give a second statutory declaration contradicting the first and is now missing. What provisions and steps are to be taken to ensure the independence of those in charge of the witness protection programme.

Who is to be Protected?

11. The Act does not provide for a comprehensive definition of a “witness”. In many cases, investigations can only be carried out if information is provided. Therefore, an informant is just as important as a witness. There are no provisions in the Bill to provide for protection of informants. In Australia, Austria, Canada, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom and Northern Island, informants can be admitted to witness protection programme. The situation is different in Germany, Slovakia and the United States where only witnesses who testify in Court may be eligible for witness protection.

The Crime

12. Besides organized crime, drug trafficking and corruption, there are also other offences which should provide protection to witnesses. These include money laundering, obstruction of justice, trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants. Malaysia has been named as one of the countries in which offences relating to trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants have become serious proportions.

Relocating Criminals

13. One of the problems that have arisen in the Witness Protection programme in the government giving the witness a new identity in a new relocation is that the witness himself is a criminal. Many of them have after being given the new identity in the new location has returned to a life of crime often causing harm and losses to the persons in the new location. How does the Government propose to resolve this issue and will the Government take responsibility for knowingly putting a serial offender into an innocent neighbourhood.
Thank you.

Date: 23 March 2009

William Leong Jee Keen

Member of Parliament Selayang

Robbed of the Perak Government

The people of Perak have been robbed of its government. Bribery, corruption and extortion have kicked democracy in the teeth. It is a rude and painful reminder that democracy and liberty has to be earned, fought for and defended not once in five years but every day of our lives. It also reminds us that “Frailty thy name is Woman (in this case 3 men and 1 woman) ”. It shows that one may have fought and sacrificed everything for ten years but all can be thrown away in one moment of weakness. They were tested and found to be wanting.

Many will no doubt point to Anwar Ibrahim and say he started all this by talking of MPs crossing over. However, there is a vital difference between crossing over because the party leaders have deserted their principles and policies and treachery. Where party bosses abused their position for personal gains then it is the duty of the elected representatives to protect their constituents from harm. Where the elected representatives crossed for personal gains it is betrayal.

In the case of these three Perak assemblymen. It is clear they did not cross over because BN hold higher principles or have better policies for the people. BN has not changed any of its policies after the last general elections. These defectors may claim until their face turn blue that they are doing this in the interest of their constituents. They can try to fool some of the people some of the time but there are two they cannot fool. One is their God because by what ever name called there surely is one. I have started to pray for them because according to my religion sinners burn in Hell for all eternity. The other is their constituents. They cannot hide the truth from their constituents.

Those who support BN may find joy in what has happened in Perak. They have won and PR has loss. The real loser in this shameful episode is not just PR but all Malaysians. Unless there is a sea of public outrage, we, Malaysians have lost our public virtue. We, Malaysians are no better then those in Zimbabwe or any one of the Banana Republics where the public closed not one but both eyes while their Mugabes robbed and plunder them blind.

This is our darkest night. Our salvation lies in each of us finding the courage and conviction to come forward. We need men and women with integrity and strength of character to stand for elections and hold these positions of trust. It is not enough to watch from the comfort of our couch. We can no longer slumber and come out to vote once in 5 years. We can no longer be apathetic. We have to join in the fray. We have no other choice.

6th February 2009

William Leong Jee Keen

Member of Parliament Selayang