Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Demolition of the Sri Maha Mariaman Temple

The Selangor Government’s use of force to demolish the Sri Maha Mariaman temple, a surau and 200 houses cannot be justified by any standards in a civilized democratic country. By deploying more than 300 police and enforcement personnel armed with automatic rifles to accompany the workers from the Shah Alam City Hall, it is clear the authorities were prepared to use deadly force to accomplish their mission, the demolition of a 100 year old temple.

As it turned out scores of residents and devotees were injured and about 15 people were detained by the police. Among the injured was a16 year old boy and a 52 year old woman. It appears excessive force may have been used. It was fortunate that no one was shot as had happened in Batu Burok.

All civil governments that practice democratic principles have guidelines and standards for the use of force. The guidelines provide that police and enforcement agencies are only permitted to use such reasonable and necessary force to protect themselves from bodily harm or to preserve life or liberty. There is absolutely no cause for bringing 300 police personnel armed with automatic rifles to effect the demolition of a place of worship.

There is also no justification for the urgent demolition of the temple, surau and houses after all they had been there for 100 years. There is no good reason for not allowing the devotees sufficient time to remove their deities and properties.

In ancient times conquering armies meted out abusive treatment to cultivate an atmosphere of terror to subjugate and control the conquered nations. A blatant unrestrained use of force by any regime is perceived by its people that the regime has developed a sense of authority that they tolerate no dissent and believe they are above the law. The Selangor Government must be sensitive that the people do not end up with a perception that the Government is insensitive to its own people. The fundamental liberties guaranteed by the Constitution for the right of every citizen to practice their religion under Article 11, the rights to property under Article 13 and the right to life under Article 5 must be respected by the Selangor Government.

We, Parti Keadilan Rakyat, call on the Selangor Government to stop this demolition of temples and instead work with the people by providing them with suitable sites to build their place of worship and to practice their religion in peace.

1 November 2007

William Leong Jee Keen
Bendahari Agung
Parti Keadilan Rakyat

Tuesday, May 19, 2009



当人民公正党实权首领安华,宣布委任梁自坚(William Leong)为党的新任总财政时,大家都不禁皱起眉头来,因为包括党员在内,都不曾听过这名从小在巴生谷长大,如今在法律界具高知名度的名字。虽自认在政坛上是一名新秀,这位著名商业律师已经在政商场的污秽中打滚超过20年,且对我国经济发展拥有相当广泛的知识,更具备在法庭上代表政治人物的丰富经验。

当被问及为何选择公正党时,他就说:“我这一代人必须开始醒悟,如果我们仅期待他人的援助,我们是走不去那里的。我们应该做一点事情。”以下是《公正之声》两位记者(简称SK),与梁自坚(简称WL)在其吉隆坡Phileo Damansara律师楼的专访:





1982那年我从新加坡完成学业回到祖国,当时马来西亚首相是马哈迪医生,那时我国的经济活动很活跃,但国家被巨大的金融丑闻所污染。我记得,其中一项个案是关于土著银行BMF-Bank Bumiputra的丑闻,造成很多金钱的损失。马哈迪当时想以国油的钱来拯救土著银行。在那案件中,我的角色是协助来自民主行动党的友人向法庭申请庭令,阻止马哈迪拿取国油的钱。事实上,如果土著银行遭遇困难,它的股东应该负起责任,不是人民。国油的钱是人民的钱, 国油应当为人民储蓄。


当时在我众多当事人当中,有一名是遇到意外后残废的人。他把钱都投资在合作社,但他的钱已经被合作社用来借贷给其他人。在该合作社结业之后,该名人士很不辛的失去所有金钱。这笔钱是他极需要的。不久后,发生了茅草行动。我没有被捕,但却被一位女性捉到,后来成为我的太太(一笑) 我再次在陈群川事件中成为代表律师。陈群川是一名马华领袖,他立志争取成为马华总会长。我与同事被要求向法庭申请庭令以阻止马华召开代表大会,要宣布大会因进行不完整而无效,而且马华党选被幽灵选民所污染,这明显的将为这位华人企业界的大亨带来胜利。 无论如何,命运并没偏向我们。此事件不久后,陈群川因涉及Pan-El危机的丑闻,导致大马与新加坡股市大跌,而在新加坡被逮捕。


WL: 一直以来我都在质问,即使现任政府带出种种的问题如贪污、打压、滥用职权等,为何人民还投票给国阵?这般的情况俨然是人民支持正在发生的犯罪行为。依我的 看法,如果人民没有能耐站出来保卫他们的权利,这就是最坏的征兆。在其它的民主国家,他们的人民会奋起进而采取行动保卫他们的权利。

虽然如此,我们可以看到大多数今天的人民都抗拒现有的政府。无论我们到哪里,都提到民众针对这个那个作出批评和表示愤怒,但只是敢在咖啡店作出批评吧了。所以,我这一代应当醒悟。如果我们只是等待别人的援助,我们将不会去到哪里。我们应该做一点点事情。 其 实,我在公正党相识的朋友众多。但对于我,全部源自去年在首都的一个聚会,当时安华也有出席。在此之前,我只是透过我的当事人和他们的公司不是很明确的认 识安华。在那晚的会面,安华与我互相交换意见,谈及国家的未来。我受到鼓舞,安华继而成功的建立起我加入公正党的信心。“我们需要更多有经验与专业的人才。”安华这样对我说。我接下去回答:“我想我应该做一些东西,有那些方面是我可以协助的吗?”先将职位推向一旁。那只是花红而已。重要的,是想想我们该怎样协助,我们讲的是行动,成果。



谈 到风险这问题,那是必定的。我已对这问题思前想后,然而我很执着。假如我们是一个人去面对,那么风险会很大,但一旦众人一起面对和奋斗,则风险会变得很 小。我们的制度是不可能会改变的。如果人们不站出来保卫自身的权利,试看看,马华、巫统、国大党将不会改变他们的种族基础,因为那是他们原来的政策。行动 党和回教党很久以前就已经提出这点,但已不再被来自各阶层背景的人民所接受。

但在大部份的沉默者中,他们愈加坐立不安,他们期待着有所改变,我们等待政治人物的更换。只有一个政党可以带来改变,那肯定是人民公正党。 在党内每个人都是平等的,并正真代表今日马来西亚的所有种族与宗教。领导层的委任是基於功绩,某人的经验及能耐。公正党是迈向改变的第一步,因尚有很多事情必须去完成,而主要还是要将讯息传达给人民:现在你们有另外一个选择,一个更好的选择。


WL:在我之前所提到的Pan-El危机案中,我的事务所有代表处理商业案件,我亲身体验到当时多么的艰难。商家受苦,大小公司纷纷破产,全部人都被Pan-El危机所害。 我们就与银行、众投资者及商家相互交换意见,看看如何把外资引进我国以重振国家的经济。自1987年的下落,在1993情况大好转,我国经济变得迅速成长,股市狂暴,发展狂暴,我的当事人,那些因为破产而尝试阻止银行发出传票者,都变得很富有并有能力偿还银行债务。

总而来说,我见过国家经济的起落,我也见过私营化计划的操作及其在执行《新经济政策》的实用性。 我的当事人都是一些国际公司,主要来自日本和台湾,他们进来投资是因被政府提供的奖励吸引。大公司在槟城、柔佛、吉隆坡等地设立工厂,而我的事务所参与处理使工作顺利进行。我有实际上的参与,也感到非常自豪得於参与这些项目。



我 们看到的是,只有特定的一群人获取他们的利益,结果有人变得富裕,有一些变得豪华,不单止购买独立式洋房,也拥有本身的直升机或喷射机、豪华房车等,看来 只有一撮人享用其中利益。如果这些富裕者是土著,还会加上土著特别优惠。为什么富裕者,即有能力购买一所独立式洋房,还享有优惠呢?










WL: 以我个人的见解,最主要的是我们应注意党内机关。在党内许多人都要做工,但支撑架构还很弱。在一个组织里面,我们需要支撑架构来巩固前面的阵线。因此我认 为支撑架构应当被加强。譬如要把柔佛、吡叻和几个州属的青年团召集到吉隆坡,支撑架构的挑战就是谨慎和有效的,利用党有限的资源和工作能力来支持这项调 动。在一次的管理小组会议中,我们有讨论到如何使管理及资金的收获更完善,以使它更加谨慎及更好。在近期内,我们将会看到实施更多好的改变,并集中化过 程。


WL:我们应当时刻戒备,应确定我们的资源和组织都准备妥当,而大选可以随时举行。以我个人的见解,公正党的嬴面机会相当大,但这可能是我们唯一的一个机会。 人民都对目前的情况感到压力,愈加握紧的通货膨胀,愈加严重的犯罪分子,失去控制的贪污,都令人民不能安心。我想他们准备给我们机会。但是我们一定会被问到,公正党准备了什么?因此,公正党更应该努力的向人民展示:我们是他们的最好选择。


出生於吡叻洲怡保,梁自坚于1981年在新加坡国立大学考获法学士学位,中学教育在巴生La Salle国民型中学和吉隆坡St. John学院完成,如今已婚及拥有三名儿子。

他在1982年1月11日直接被马来西亚律师 公会接受,并从82年至85年在一间律师楼服务作法律助理,之后就被委任为初级伙伴。1985年,梁自坚联同另四位律师接过这间律师楼的管理层,继而设立 一间新的法律公司。在那期间,该律师楼声誉非常优异,在商业、诉讼和企业事件中代表本地和国际在马来西亚证券交易所上市的公司,其中大部份是被列入《财 富》(Fortune)世界首五百强企业公司。

在1980年代,梁自坚在形形色色的公司重组 中扮演举足轻重的角色,大部份的公司最后都得以发展而成为我国最大的企业公司。他在1994年进入企业界,并受委任为数间证券交易公司的高级执行人员,其 中包括一间本地公司的副管理总监,及一间名列东南亚20间最大公司的首席执行员和署理执行主席。他在1998年回到法律舞台,并成立自己的公 司,William Leong & Co.。

Proton Not Proceeding With Foreign Partner

The Government’s decision for Proton to stop further negotiations for a foreign partner after commencing talks from October 2004 shows how inconsistent the present administration can be in pursuing its policy. The reason given for the decision is also disappointing it that it shows a lack of vision and the lack of political will to bite the bullet to correct problems.

The reason given for not proceeding with the negotiations is that Proton has recorded improved sales in recent months and a better poll in consumer satisfaction index. Unfortunately this does not address the core problems of Proton.

The major problem that confronts Proton and has always confronted Proton has not been addressed. Malaysia with a population of 23 million is a small domestic market. In 1983 when Proton started the sales of four-wheeler were 108,314 units. The local market was not big enough or economically viable enough to support a local brand. Car manufacturing requires huge and constant investment in developing new models, acquiring sophisticated technology and expensive equipment. It is therefore necessary to produce in large volumes in order to reduce the fixed cost per unit of vehicles. It is also crucial to limit the number of makes and models to enable longer production cycles and thus enjoy the benefit from economies of scale.

To offset the small domestic market Proton has to increase exports to be viable. To do so Proton must be able to produce a car that is cheap enough and with sufficient quality to compete in the international market. To acquire the capabilities and strategies to fit into the global strategies to compete with the leaders such as Toyota, Nissan, Honda, the European and American makes.

The sad fact is the Malaysian government has protected Proton this past 20 years with 300% import duties and by playing and tweaking with excise duties and import tariffs. This has produced a national carmaker that is complacent and completely uncompetitive in terms of pricing, quality, lacking new models, has a huge unutilised capacity at its Tanjong Malim plant and does not fit into any global automative value chain.

Therefore the reasons given for not proceeding with the negotiations for a foreign partner is not convincing and if this is in fact the reason, then it is disappointing as this is not dealing with the real problems. Unless the Government shows that it has the political will the people will have to continue to shoulder the burden of paying artificially higher prices for owning a car which has become a necessity due to the poor and unreliable public transport system.

A study of the policies by Thailand and South Korea shows that where the government is brave enough to make hard decisions then the automotive industries will become a significant engine of growth and contributor to the economy and well being of its citizens.

Thailand had liberalised its market. In 1999 Thailand reduced import duties for passenger cars from 300% to 100%. The Thai government provided generous incentive packages to attract foreign automakers and to strengthen the country’s industrial competitiveness. Under AFTA, Thailand has reduced automotive tariffs to 0-0.5%. Thailand has now become “the Detroit of Asia”. In 2005 it had a production of an astounding figure of 1.1 million units with 421,911 units exported.

South Korea is another example of the need for change and the positive results it brings. Prior to the Asian Financial Crisis the structure of the automobile industry was based on the chaebols. The South Korean Government condoned cross-subsidising between subsidiaries of the chaebols, political-business collaboration and providing excessive protection to domestic industries by limiting foreign competition and maintaining ownership operations.

When the Asian Financial Crisis hit South Korea, Hyundai was swamped in financial difficulties. Hyundai with the South Korean Government bit the bullet and undertook substantial reforms. It opened up the previously protected sectors and allowed foreign firms to take over Daewoo and Samsung. Hyundai was then forced to become efficient and to overhaul its operations, Hyundai has since become a major player in the global arena and threatened other more established competitors.

Hard decisions have to be taken to turn Proton into a competitive producer in the export market. The government cannot continue to protect the car maker that has not and will not be capable of making significant contributions to the economy if it does not address the hard issues. The people have carried Proton for 20 years. The Government should not make the people carry this burden on one minute more than necessary. It is certainly hoped that the people will not have to carry this burden until 2057.

William Leong Jee Keen
Treasurer General
Parti Keadilan Rakyat
22 November 2007

Mr Prime Minister Do You Hear The People Sing?

Gerakan Should Return To Its Original Path


The call by the 250,000 members of Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia for the BN to form a multiracial party have fallen and shall continue to fall on deaf ears.

The constitution of UMNO, the dominant party in the coalition expressly provides that only Malays can join the party. Similarly, MCA’s constitution only allows Chinese to join the party. The dominant parties in the BN depend on maintaining the tension amongst the races to justify their existence. Despite their rhetoric, they will never agree to the formation of a multiracial party.

As for Gerakan, it has not been able to attract members from the other races and despite calling themselves a multiracial party, it is predominantly a Chinese based party. Parti Keadilan Rakyat on the other hand is truly a multiracial party. The racial make up of Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans and others are reflected from the grassroots up to the Supreme Council. It is time for members of Gerakan to take stock of the situation.

They need to work with the other races to be a truly multiracial party. History has shown that UMNO, MCA, MIC and the BN will not change their communal approach to politics. The leaders that established Gerakan, such as Tun Lim Chong Yew left MCA and the Alliance because of their communal politics. They should not have rejoined the Barisan Nasional in 1972. After 35 years, Gerakan has not achieved any significant success in achieving a truly multiracial and racially integrated nation. It is unlikely that given another 35 years, Gerakan can make any progress in this direction, if it is to remain in the BN.

UMNO shall always be the dominant party in the BN. Although Gerakan is on paper a multiracial party, it is seen as representing Chinese interest. However, it will always be playing second fiddle to the MCA in this aspect. It is time for the members of Gerakan who are sincere to see an integrated multiracial country, stop being satisfied in playing the role of a second wife. It is with sincerity that we call on Gerakan and its members to join PKR in the struggle for a truly multiracial and racially integrated nation.

12 October 2007

William J K Leong
Treasurer General
Parti Keadilan Rakyat

Poverty Is Not Eradicated By A Stroke Of The Pen

The Minister of Housing and Local Government and MCA President, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting said that he is going to standardize the poverty line. He also said that the Barisan should be applauded as they are the only one able to provide subsidies to the poor. He said the Barisan should be supported by the people instead of the opposition party, because all the opposition party can do is to scold Barisan.

We wish to remind the Barisan Nasional, in case, they have forgotten after living in the ivory towers for 50 years, that poverty is not determined by a stroke of the pen. Drawing a line on a piece of paper does not fill-up an empty belly. It does not provide shelter from the sun and the rain. It does not provide money for electricity for heat and light and to pay the water bills. The Government should not be playing around with statistics to determine poverty. They should implement policies and programmes to provide real and substantive mechanisms to allow the poor to obtain employment and income to break out of the vicious cycle of poverty.

The Barisan Government instead of gloating that it is able to provide subsidies to the poor should instead hang its head in shame. This is because after 50 years of independence, it has failed to eradicate poverty. It should stop trying to manipulate the statistics because statistics are just numbers depending on how the person wants to use them. The simple truth is that the number of poor has been increasing. The percentage of urban poor increased from 14.3% in 1985 to 26% in 2002: -

The Barisan has failed in its policies. There is no reason why any person would want to be a beggar if he can have the dignity to obtain gainful employment. We know our people are capable and willing to work hard. Our people have the intelligence to learn the required skills. Our people are capable of completing a job. However, we have not been given the opportunity to acquire the necessary education. Not all of us who are qualified are given the opportunity to enter into the university. Not all of us are given the opportunity to obtain the employment commensurate with our capabilities. Not all of us have been given the opportunity to bid and be awarded the contracts and jobs that would have been given to us in a level playing field.

The Barisan is responsible for this failure and the MCA is a party to this and must bear responsibility. The MCA tells us that they work with UMNO behind closed doors. We do not know what the MCA is doing behind the closed doors. We know what a husband and wife does behind closed doors during their honeymoon. But if a wife does not agree with the husband, the marriage will not even last for 5 years and certainly not for 50 years.

The MCA should therefore examine their policies if they are sincere in helping the people. At least the Gerakan is brave enough to talk about reviewing this. It has been said that if you give a person a fish, he lives for a day. But if you teach him to be a fisherman, he lives to the end of his days. What the Barisan and MCA is doing in giving subsidies is only allowing the people to live for a day and force them to be dependent on the subsidies for their survival. There is nothing to a proud about turning our people into beggars.

The opposition is therefore entitled to scold the MCA and the Barisan since they failed to carry out their jobs. The people are also entitled to scold them. If they still fail after the scolding, then, they deserved to be sacked.

William Leong Jee Keen
Treasurer General
Parti Keadilan Rakyat

19th October 2007

Bendahari Agung: WILLIAM LEONG Sumbang Kepakaran Untuk Perjuangan

Suara KeADILan Jun 2007

Apabila Penasihat Parti merangkap Presiden De Facto Anwar Ibrahim mengumumkan perlantikan William Leong Jee Keen sebagai Bendahari Agung KeADILan yang baru, ramai yang mengerutkan kening kerana bukan sedikit termasuk ahli-ahli parti sendiri yang tidak pernah mendengar nama peguam terkenal kelahiran Perak ini.

Walau pun memang mengakui ‘baru’ dalam politik, namun peguam korporat ini sudah lama bergelumang dan mempunyai pengalaman yang cukup luas dalam dunia ekonomi negara, malah mempunyai pengalaman mewakili tokoh-tokoh politik ulung dalam mahkamah.

“Generasi saya harus bangkit. Jika kita sekadar menunggu seseorang untuk membantu, maka kita tidak akan kemana-kemana. Kita harus berbuat sesuatu,” kata beliau apabila ditanya kenapa memilih parti KeADILan. Ikuti wawancara wartawan Suara Keadilan, Hafizz Mokhtar dan Akid Damia dengan tokoh profesional ini di firma guaman beliau William Leong & Co di Phileo Damansara, Kuala Lumpur.

SK: Tahniah diatas perlantikan saudara selaku Bendahari Agung KeADILan. Apa perasaan saudara diberi amanah memegang tanggungjawab sebegitu besar?

WL: Memang saya terkejut dengan perlantikan tersebut. Hairan pun ada. Saya hanya mahu membantu parti. Saya tidak menyangkanya sama sekali diberi tanggungjawab itu. Saya menyertai KeA-DILan bukan untuk pangkat atau jawatan, tetapi sekadar melakukan apa yang boleh saya bantu.

Saya benar-benar menghargai dan berterima kasih, dan saya akan melakukan sebaik mungkin dalam menjalankan tugas, mengambil pengalaman saya sebagai peguam korporat dan komersil untuk membantu parti.

SK: Saya difahamkan saudara bukan dari latar belakang politik, apakah ini satu kekurangan?

Benar sebelum ini saya tidak terlibat secara langsung dengan mana-mana gerakan politik. Saya adalah seorang profesional, dan golongan profesional lebih selesa bekerja dari sebalik tabir berbanding ahli-ahli politik yang kehadapan.

Pada saya, tiada apa yang mahu saya katakan, saya lebih tertumpu kepada tindakan dan hasil kerja. Walaubagaimanapun, saya sering menawarkan kepakaran saya selaku peguam korporat mengambil kes-kes yang adakalanya memerlukan nekad dan kecekalan berhadapan dengan jentera kerajaan.

Sekembalinya saya ke tanahair dari luar negara pada tahun 1982, di masa Dr Mahathir Mohamed menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia, ekonomi negara bergerak pantas pada masa itu. Tetapi negara dicemari dengan skandal-skandal kewangan yang besar. Antara kes yang saya ingat ialah skandal BMF-Bank Bumiputra yang kehilangan banyak wang. Mahathir, pada masa itu cuba menggunakan wang Petronas untuk ‘bail-out’ Bank Bumiputra.

Dalam kes itu, saya berperanan membantu teman saya dari DAP mendapatkan perintah mahkamah menghalang Dr Mahathir dari mengambil wang Petronas. Seharusnya, jika Bank Bumiputra dilanda masalah maka ia menjadi tanggungjawab pemegang-pemegang saham bank, bukan rakyat. Wang Petronas ialah wang rakyat, dan harus disimpan untuk rakyat.

Kalau menurut undang-undang pada masa itu, kami sepatutnya menang kes itu. Tetapi di saat-saat terakhir kami tidak menjangka Parlimen akan meminda undang-undang lalu memberi kuasa kepada Perdana Menteri untuk berbuat apa sahaja yang dia mahu dengan wang Petronas. Perkara itu amat dikesalkan.

Selain dari skandal BMF-Bumiputra, terdapat satu kes yang menyentuh hati saya. Dalam kes itu saya mewakili ahli-ahli koperasi menuntut wang mereka dari badan-badan koperasi tanahair. Pada masa itu, sekitar 1980an, koperasi-koperasi besar tanahair berada dalam keadaan tenat.Ramai kroni dan individu meminjam wang dari koperasi tetapi enggan menjelaskan hutang mereka. Keadaan ini menyebabkan ramai ahli-ahli koperasi kehilangan wang.

Antara anak guam saya pada masa itu ialah seorang budak yang cacat selepas terlibat dalam satu kemalangan. Budak itu melaburkan wangnya ke dalam koperasi, tetapi wang itu telah digunakan koperasi untuk dipinjamkan kepada orang lain. Selepas koperasi itu bungkus tikar, budak malang itu kehilangan semua wang yang amat diperlukannya.

Selepas beberapa ketika, terjadi pula Operasi Lalang. Saya tidak ditangkap dalam operasi itu, tetapi saya ditangkap pula oleh seorang wanita…yang kemudian menjadi isteri saya (ketawa).

Saya sekali lagi memainkan peranan sebagai peguam dalam satu kes yang melibatkan Tan Koon Swan, seorang pemimpin MCA yang bercita-cita mahu merebut jawatan Presiden.

Saya dan teman-teman diminta untuk mengambil perintah mahkamah menghalang mesyuarat MCA dari berlangsung dan mengisytiharkan ia tidak sah kerana dijalankan secara tidak sempurna dan pemilihan MCA dicemari pengundi-pengundi hantu yang jelas akan memberikan kejayaan kepada taikun korporat Cina itu.

Walaubagaimanapun, nasib tidak menyebelahi kami. Tidak lama kemudian, Tan Koon Swan ditangkap di Singapura kerana terlibat dalam satu skandal yang dipanggil Krisis Pan-El, yang menyebabkan pasaran saham Malaysia dan Singapura jatuh menjunam.

SK: Bila masanya saudara mengambil keputusan untuk bersama-sama KeADILan?

Selama ini saya mempersoalkan mengapa rakyat masih mengundi Barisan Nasional sedangkan terlalu banyak hal yang berlaku dalam kerajaan sekarang seperti rasuah, penindasan, salah guna kuasa dan sebagainya. Keadaan ini seolah-olah rakyat menyokong jenayah-jenayah yang berlaku. Saya melihat, jika rakyat tidak mampu berdiri untuk mempertahankan hak mereka, maka itu petanda yang buruk sekali. Di negara-negara demokrasi lainnya, rakyat mereka akan bangkit dan bertindak mempertahankan hak mereka. Namun begitu, kita dapat lihat majoriti rakyat hari ini menolak kerajaan sekarang. Kemana-mana kita pergi, ramai yang mengkritik dan marah itu dan ini, tetapi sekadar berani di kedai kopi sahajalah (ketawa). Generasi saya harus bangkit. Jika kita sekadar menunggu seseorang untuk membantu, maka kita tidak akan kemana-kemana. Kita harus berbuat sesuatu. Sememangnya saya mempunyai ramai kenalan dalam KeADILan. Namun bagi saya, segalanya bermula dalam suatu majlis yang dihadiri saudara Anwar Ibrahim di ibu kota tahun lalu. Sebelum ini, saya sekadar mengenali beliau samar-samar, melalui anak guam dan syarikat-syarikat klien saya. Pada pertemuan malam itu, Anwar Ibrahim dan saya bertukar-tukar fikiran dan berbincang mengenai masa hadapan negara. Saya teruja dan Anwar Ibrahim berjaya menyakinkan saya untuk bersama-sama KeADILan.“We need more men, yang mempunyai pengalaman dan kepakaran? kata Anwar Ibrahim kepada saya, dan saya terus membalas “Saya rasa saya harus berbuat sesuatu. Bagaimana boleh saya bantu?”

Tolak tepi soal jawatan. Itu sekadar bonus. Yang penting, fikir bagaimana boleh kita membantu, kita fikir soal tindakan, soal hasil.

SK: Mengapa saudara memilih KeADILan? Kita sedia maklum laluan pembangkang ini penuh dengan tekanan dan cabaran. Dan melihat kepada firma saudara yang mewah ini, apa saudara sudah mempertimbangkan risikonya?

Pada awalnya isteri saya amat tidak bersetuju dengan penglibatan saya. Dia pernah kata yang saya sudah ‘hilang akal’ dan dia enggan bercakap dengan saya lebih tiga minggu lamanya (ketawa).

Saya kata kepada isteri yang saya perlu bersama-sama KeADILan, membantu rakyat dan menegakkan keadilan. Kalau kita boleh membantu, tetapi kita tidak membantu, kita enggan melaksanakan tanggungjawab kita…bagaimana boleh kita lihat diri kita dalam cermin?

Tetap saya bertegas dengan keputusan saya dan beliau menghormati pendirian ini.Bercakap soal risiko, ya memang risiko itu ada. Saya telah berfikir masak-masak akan hal ini dan saya nekad. Jikalau kita berhadapan dengan sesuatu itu seorang diri, maka risiko itu besar. Tetapi jika kita beramai-ramai, bersama-sama dalam perjuangan ini, maka risiko itu menjadi kecil.

Sistem kita tidak akan berubah jika orang ramai enggan berdiri dan mempertahankan hak mereka. Kita lihat MCA, Umno, MIC tidak akan mengubah dasar perkauman mereka kerana itu polisi asal mereka. DAP dan PAS sudah lama suarakan perkara ini tetapi tidak lagi didengari oleh semua orang dari semua latar belakang.

Tetapi di kalangan majoriti yang diam, the silent majority, semakin tidak senang duduk. Mereka menanti sesuatu perubahan, kami menunggu ahli-ahli politik bertukar. Hanya satu parti yang boleh membawa perubahan, parti KeADILan.

Semua dalam parti adalah sama-rata, dan sebenar-benarnya mewakili kesemua kaum dan agama di Malaysia hari ini. Perlantikan pimpinannya dibuat berdasarkan merit, berdasarkan pengalaman dan kebolehan seseorang itu.

Parti KeADILan ialah langkah pertama menuju perubahan Masih ada banyak perkara lagi yang harus dibuat. Amat penting kita sampaikan mesej ini kepada rakyat. Kini ada satu alternatif kepada mereka, alternatif yang lebih baik.

SK: Melihat kepada pengalaman luas saudara menangani kes-kes komersil dan korporat, apa pendapat saudara mengenai Dasar Ekonomi Baru dan ekonomi Malaysia hari ini?

Dalam krisis Pan-El yang telah saya sebutkan sebentar tadi, firma saya mengambil kes-kes komersil, saya menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana payahnya keadaan pada masa itu. Peniaga menderita, syarikat besar dan kecil diancam muflis. Semua orang menerima impak buruk dari Krisis Pan-El ini.

Kami menemui pihak-pihak bank, para pelabur dan para peniaga dan bertukar buah fikiran bagaimana untuk membawa masuk pelabur asing ke negara ini dan menghidupkan semula ekonomi negara.

Dari zaman kejatuhan 1987, pada 1993 keadaan mejadi jauh lebih baik. Ekonomi negara menjadi deras, pasaran saham kencang, pembangunan kencang, klien-klien saya yang cuba menghalang bank dari menyaman kerana muflis, menjadi kaya-raya dan mampu membayar semula hutang bank.

Dalam erti kata lain, saya telah melihat bagaimana ekonomi negara berubah dari baik kepada buruk, dan menjadi baik semula. Saya telah melihat bagaimana program penswastaan dijalankan dan secara praktikalnya terlibat dalam perlaksaan Dasar Ekonomi Baru.

Anak-anak guam kami, adalah syarikat-syarikat antarabangnya terutamanya dari Jepun dan Taiwan masuk dan melabur disini kerana tertarik dengan insentif-insentif yang ditawarkan kerajaan. Syarikat-syarikat besar menubuhkan kilang-kilang mereka di Pulau Pinang, di Johor, di Kuala Lumpur, dan firma saya terlibat melicinkan proses-proses itu.

Dalam erti kata lain, saya terlibat secara praktikal dan amat berbangga kerana terlibat dalam projek sebegitu. Bahkan firma kami juga membantu bukan sedikit usahawan-usahawan tempatan meluaskan capaian mereka ke luar negara, khususnya negara-negara kepulauan Pasifik seperti Fiji.

Kami mencanangkan formula DEB - formula Malaysia - kepada rakan-rakan kami di luar sana. Kami katakan DEB satu formula yang boleh berjaya. Tetapi kemudiannya, saya mula melihat bagaimana formula ini disalahgunakan.

Contohnya Permodalan Nasional Berhad ditubukan untuk manfaat semua. Tetapi kita lihat bagaimana projek-projek penswastaan tidak lagi meniti kepada semua, ia tidak lagi diagihkan kepada institusi-institusi rakyat seperti Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) dan Tabung Haji misalannya, tetapi projek-projek itu diagih-agihkan kepada segelintir individu yang berkepentingan.

Kita lihat hanya golongan tertentu sahaja yang mendapat faedah. Kesannya, ada orang yang menjadi kaya, ada yang menjadi mewah, bukan sahaja membeli banglo, tetapi juga helikopter peribadi, atau jet persendirian dan kereta-kereta mewah semua…nampaknya faedah ini hanya dinikmati oleh segelintir.

Jikalau mereka orang-orang kaya ini Bumiputra, ditambah lagi dengan diskaun-diskaun keistemewaan Bumiputera. Mengapa orang kaya yang mampu membeli sebuah banglo diberi diskaun? Bagaimana pula dengan orang kampung? Apa yang mereka dapat? Mereka yang sudah membeli amanah saham PNB, apa manfaat yang mereka terima?

Idea DEB itu bagus, tetapi perlaksanaannya sudah terpesong. Kemudian, dari 1993 dimana ekonomi Malaysia rancak, kita tiba ke krisis ekonomi 1997. Dalam masa yang singkat, ramai yang jatuh muflis. Dari 1997, dan kini 2007, sudah 10 tahun. Apa maknanya?

Cuba lihat, pada 1997 umur saya 40 tahun. Umur ini merupakan masa yang terbaik untuk berbuat apa yang kita mahu, tetapi disebabkan krisis kewangan kita ditimpa kesusahan. Mari kita perhatikan dari 1997 hingga 2007, sepuluh tahun jaraknya, apa perkembangan ekonomi kita?

SK: Bagaimana pula dengan dakwaan kerajaan bahawa ekonomi semakin baik dan pasaran saham menunjukkan perkembangan positif?

Ada beberapa persoalan yang perlu dijawab.

Pertama kita harus lihat dari segi pelaburan asing. Kemasukan pelaburan asing ke Malaysia lebih rendah berbanding Thailand, Indonesia dan Vietnam. Berbanding dahulu, pelabur nampaknya lebih gemar melabur di negara lain berbanding Malaysia.

Kedua, perniagaan melarikan diri ke negara-negara lain, terutamanya perusahaan elektronik, komputer dan mikrochip. Misalannya, Intel sebuah syarikat besar diantara yang pertama tiba disini, dan telahpun mempunyai pejabat di Pulau Pinang, tetapi kini Intel melabur jutaan ringgit Vietnam.

Dan kalau kita tengok amalan perniagaan biasa, kalau faktor ekonominya baik, sesebuah syarikat itu akan melebarkan prasarananya di Pulau Pinang, tetapi itu tidak berlaku. Ini kita harus persoalkan mengapa ia begitu? Mengapa pelabur lari ke Indonesia, Vietnam dan negara-negara rantau Asia lainnya. Apa tindakan yang diambil kerajaan menangani masalah ini?

Menyentuh soal pasaran saham, dakwaan kerajaan agak menghairankan kerana kalau kita kenang kembali zaman kepesatan ekonomi 1993, dimasa pasaran saham melonjak naik, kita dapat melihat orang-ramai berjalan-jalan, membeli-belah di pasaraya-pasaraya, berbelanja di restoran dan berseronok.

Kalau hari ini apabila kita baca di suratkhabar, kita terbaca bahawa pasaran saham naik, tetapi bila kita ke luar tidak nampak pula keadaan semakin pulih. Saya tidak tahu samada orang ramai takut berbelanja atau tidak mempunyai wang untuk berbelanja. Tetapi yang jelas, ada sesuatu yang tidak kena.

Lebih dari itu, kita dapat lihat kos kehidupan semakin meningkat tetapi dalam masa yang sama kualiti kehidupan semakin menurun. Dengan rompakan, gangsterisma, dengan gejala dadah, dengan gejala rogol dan bunuh di sana-sini.Selain dari itu, kita dilanda pula masalah kekurangan gula, kekurangan minyak, kekurangan itu dan ini. Tidak ubah seperti sebuah negara Afrika.

SK: Selaku Bendahari Agung, apa pelan saudara bagi memantapkan kedudukan parti?

Pada pendapat saya, pertama sekali kita harus melihat kepada jentera. Dalam parti ramai yang mahu bekerja, tetapi ‘supporting structure’ masih lemah. Dalam satu organisasi, kita memerlukan ‘support structure’ untuk memantapkan barisan hadapan. Maka pada pendapat saya ‘support structure’ ini harus dikuatkan.

Misalannya, Angkatan Muda dari Johor, Perak dan beberapa negeri lainnya dikerah ke Kuala Lumpur. Maka cabaran ‘support structure’ ini ialah untuk menggunakan secermat dan secekap mungkin sumber dan tenaga kerja parti yang terhad bagi menyokong mobilisasi ini.

Dalam satu mesyuarat Biro Pengurusan, kita telah membincangkan bagaimana untuk memperbaiki isu pengurusan dan perolehan dana, supaya ia lebih cermat dan sebaik mungkin. Kita akan lihat lebih banyak penambahbaikan dan proses sentralisasi akan dilaksanakan dalam masa terdekat.

SK: Masih menyentuh soal status kewangan KeADILan, apakah kita bersedia untuk menghadapi pilihanraya yang dijangka akan diadakan tidak lama lagi?

Kita harus sentiasa bersiap-siaga. Kita harus pastikan sumber dan struktur kita bersedia. Pilihanraya boleh diadakan bila-bila masa sahaja.

Pada pendapat peribadi saya, KeADILan mempunyai peluang yang besar untuk menang, tetapi mungkin juga ini satu-satunya peluang yang kita ada. Rakyat semakin tertekan dengan keadaan sekarang, Inflasi yang semakin mencengkam, elemen jenayah semakin parah, rasuah yang diluar kawalan, dan demikian itu rakyat amat tidak senang hati.Saya fikir mereka bersedia untuk memberi peluang kepada kita.

Tetapi soalan yang akan ditanya kepada kita, apakah KeADILan bersedia? Lantaran itu, KeADILan harus berupaya menunjukkan kepada rakyat, yang kita adalah pilihan terbaik bagi mereka.

Biodata William Leong

Dilahirkan di Perak, William Leong Jee Keen memperolehi Ijazah Sarjana Undang-Undang dari Universiti Kebangsaan Singapura pada 1981. Mendapat pendidikan awal di Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan La Salle, Klang dan St John Institution, Kuala Lumpur, beliau seterusnya diterima ke Majlis Peguam Malaysia pada 11 Januari 1982. Dari 1982 hingga 1985, beliau berkhidmat di sebuah firma undang-undang selaku pembantu undang-undang dan seterusnya dilantik sebagai Junior Partner pada 1985.

Pada 1985, William Leong bersama-sama empat peguam lain mengambil-alih pengurusan firma itu lalu menubuhkan sebuah entiti undang-undang yang baru dan mereka sebagai pengasasnya. Dalam tempoh tersebut, firma itu mendapat reputasi sebagai firma undang-undangkomersil, ligitasi, dan korporat yang cemerlang mewakili syarikat-syarikat tempatan dan antarabangsa yang disenaraikan di Bursa Malaysia, sebahagian besarnya disenaraikan di kalangan syarikay-syarikat Fortune 500. William Leong, seorang suami dan bapa kepada tiga orang anak, memainkan peranan besar dalam penstrukturan berbagai syarikat sekitar 1980an. Kebanyakan dari syarikat-syarikat ini akhirnya maju sebagai syarikat-syarikat korporat terbesar di negara ini.

Pada 1994, William Leong menyertai sector korporat dan diberi amanah memegang beberapa tanggungjawab eksekutif kanan di lembaga-lembaga pengarah syarikat Bursa termasuk Timbalan Pengarah Pengurusan sebuah syarikat tempatan dan Ketua Pegawai Operasi dan NAib Presiden Eksekutif salah satu dari 20 syarikat terbesar di ssebuah Negara Asia Tenggara. Pada 1998, kembali ke arena undang-undang dan menubuhkan firma beliau, William Leong & Co.

The Batu Buruk Riots: Premeditated By Whom?


The Prime Minister, Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the rioting in Kuala Terengganu on 8th September 2007 was a desperate attempt by the opposition to gain political mileage. The Prime Minister claims the opposition:

“…came prepared with Molotov cocktails and other dangerous objects to attack the police. The riot was premeditated.”

The Prime Minister said:

“ is a known campaign tactic that has been carried out many times before. They would provoke the police until stern action is taken and then they would cry foul”


The PAS Vice President and Terengganu State Chief, Dato Mustafa Ali, claims agent provocateurs were part of a government sanctioned operation to suppress the opposition in Terengganu. He said they were informed on the night of the ceramah that plainclothes
policemen would cause problems.

He said:

“They would wear a ribbon so that police can identify them. This was pre-planned.”


The people came with their wives, children, relatives and friends. The police stopped them from going to the rally venue by setting up roadblocks. The organizers, BERSIH, a coalition of political parties and NGO’s had appealed to the police for a permit to hold the rally after their earlier application had been rejected. The organizers were still negotiating with the police for the permit when the people were stopped at the roadblocks. They had not announced at that time that
the rally was being called off. Therefore the people were not aware that the police had not granted the permit or that the rally was called off.


If the claim that the riot was premeditated by the opposition, then the opposition members must be taken to have come carrying molotov cocktails, spears and dangerous weapons together with Malaysian and UMNO flags to a rally to hear speeches on a Clean and Fair Election. They had come bringing with them their wives, children, relatives, friends and even the elderly. They had brought them along with the premeditated intent to provoke the police to take stern action. They brought their wives, children, relatives, friends and the elderly to be dosed by water cannons and fired by tear gas. They did this so they can cry police brutality and cry foul.

Except this time live bullets were fired.

Azmi Hussein a police officer was in plainclothes. He had come to the ceramah with his gun loaded with live rounds. He was mingling with the crowd. He claims the crowd attacked him and he acted in self- defense. It is however undisputed and cannot be denied, he used his gun. He fired. Two persons were shot. Suwandi Abdul Ghani 37 was shot in the chest. The bullet
penetrated his lungs. Muhamad Azman 21 was hit in the neck.

If the opposition’s claim that the riot was preplanned and caused by agent provocateurs is examined the following is to be noted:

The New Straits Times published the next morning that the riot was at a ceramah organized by PKR. It was in fact organized by BERSIH. Where did NST get their news?

The New Straits Times also published a photograph of a person burning the Malaysian flag. Curiously, all the newspapers showed the same photograph. The New Straits Times stated in the caption that the person, whose face was covered by his helmet, was an opposition member. BERSIH and Dato Mustafa said that the police did not allow reporters into the rally venue and their cameras had been confiscated. If so who took the photograph? How could the photographer know that the person wearing a full-faced helmet is an opposition member? From whom did NST get the photograph?

Terengganu Police Chief SAC I, Datuk Ayub Yaakob is reported in an article in Malaysiakini on 12 September 2007 confirming that Azmi Hussein was the plainclothes policeman on crowd control duty and had worn a red ribbon to identify himself to his colleagues.


What is a policeman doing with a loaded gun mingling with the crowd in plainclothes? If he was on crowd control duty should he not be in uniform? Why did he not identify himself as a policeman before shooting? Why wear a red ribbon? Why was it necessary for him to be identified by his uniformed colleagues?

Are the opposition members willing to sacrifice their wives, children relatives and friends including the elderly to provoke police to take action so they can cry foul?

How and what justifies the police shooting citizens? What or whose interest is so important that the risk of citizens being shot prevails over citizens hearing speeches on Clean and Fair Elections?

You will not hear debate of this in Parliament. The Speaker in the Parliament ruled you should not obtain information this way.

You, the people will have to make the judgment. It’s your call.

William Leong Jee Keen

Treasurer General Parti Keadilan Rakyat

14th September 2007


Welcome to my new blog.

Friday, May 15, 2009





梁自坚也是一位著名的企业律师表示,根据1967年警察法令第27 ( 2 )警察已经滥用其条文的权力。


人民公正党的10周年庆祝活动定于2009年5月9日从下午二时至上午12时,地点于Puteri Central Park, Bandar Tasik Puteri , 万绕。人民公正党实权领袖安华已经答应出席者活动和人民以及党员一起纪念党的10周年。

Friday, May 1, 2009

Peenjualan Tanah Rizab Diseleweng : William

SELAYANG UTAMA – Seorang ahli politik dikenal pasti telah menyelewengkan penjualan tanah rizab kepada sebahagian besar daripada 33 peniaga menghuni premis perniagaan di deretan kedai Lot PT 2520, Batu 16, Rawang.

Ahli Parlimen Selayang, William Leong Jee Keen (gambar) yang mendedahkan demikian berkata, daripada hasil siasatan pihaknya, ahli politik berkenaan didakwa menjual tanah terbabit kepada peniaga di situ dengan perjanjian kononnya pada akhirnya mereka nanti akan mendapat geran.

Menurutnya, sedangkan perkara tersebut agak mustahil berlaku berikutan sebahagian tanah berkenaan dikenal pasti sebagai rizab sungai itu kini terlibat dalam kerja-kerja pelebaran Jalan Kuala Lumpur-Rawang berdekatan.

“Peniaga yang percaya tanah tersebut boleh dibeli termakan dengan kata-kata ahli politik berkenaan, biarpun tahu tanah tersebut hanya mempunyai Sijil Menduduki Sementara (TOL).

“Pada sekitar tahun 2000 TOL tersebut sudah dibatalkan. Sekarang Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS) sendiri telah mengambil semula tanah berkenaan untuk pelebaran dan pengalihan sungai untuk mengelakkan banjir di situ,” kata William kepada Sinar Harian dalam satu majlis, di sini, semalam

Beliau berkata demikian ketika mengulas isu premis diduduki 33 peniaga di Lot PT 2520 bakal dirobohkan untuk pembangunan termasuk mendirikan sebuah pasar raya besar di situ.

22 April 2009

潜水艇合约没有招标 政府应停止直接议价

作者/人民公正党 Mar 05, 2009 06:10:34 pm




梁自坚也直指与国防部签约的本地公司核心业务,并不包括提供高度专业化的知识。 因此,他要求国防部检讨、审查直接议价招标方式的政策,避免支付佣金给予这些代理商,增加采购费用。


Repression Race Religion And Royalty UMNO’S Recipe For Success Or Disaster

Desperate Times and Desperate Measures

On the anniversary of People’s Power, Makkal Shakthi and Ren Min De Li Liang, a review of UMNO’s response to their worst showing in 51 years show that UMNO have failed to reinvent itself to meet the people’s aspirations for a healthy democratic competition of a two party system. On the contrary, it has chosen to go down the road of repression and racial extremism. The Deputy Prime Minister and UMNO President in waiting said that desperate times call for desperate measures. The power grab in Perak and destabilization attempts of the Pakatan Government in Kedah and Selangor are desperate measures. As UMNO loses its popular support it relies on repression to cling on to power thereby becoming an illegitimate regime. As a consequence, UMNO has to stir emotional issues of race, religion and royalty to mask its unlawful and undemocratic rule. This stratagem may work unless the people act with courage and conviction to resist this usurpation of the people’s powers.

Whenever Law Ends, Tyranny Begins

According to the theory of government, each of us as individuals has rights. Each of us for the purpose of an ordered society gives some of these rights to the government. The government must exercise these rights and powers for the interest of the common good. John Locke in his Second Essay of Civil Government said that the government becomes a usurper and a tyrant when the powers of the government are exercised not for the common good but for their own private advantage. He said:

“Whenever law ends, tyranny begins, if the law be transgressed to another’s harm; and whosoever in authority exceeds the power given by the law, and makes use of the force he has under his command, to compass that upon the subject which the law allows not, ceases in that to be a magistrate, and acting without authority may be opposed, as any other man who by force invades the right of another.”

The history of civilization, is the history of the cycle of oppression and liberation. The word most frequently used to describe oppression is tyranny. According to tradition, once it is established that a ruler has become a tyrant, he forfeits the moral right to govern and the people acquire a right to resist and protect their interest against the injustice and oppression. A tyrannical regime has no legitimacy. It may be the de facto government and it may be recognized by other governments and is therefore the de jure government, but if it is a tyrannical regime, it is from a moral point of view, illegitimate. The people then have a moral duty to rise up and oppose the illegitimate regime.

UMNO used the ISA to detain the HINDRAF leaders, blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, Selangor Exco member, Teresa Kok and the Sin Chew reporter. This was not done to protect the common good but to protect UMNO’s rule.

The Police are used to arrest and prohibit the people from exercising their constitutional freedoms of assembly and free speech. Peaceful demonstrations are brutally stopped by tear gas and water cannons of chemicals. Ceramahs in Perak are banned. Candle light vigils in Petaling Jaya are declared illegal. Lodging police reports are prohibited.

Government institutions are perverted and subverted. Senior Civil Servants by disingenuous arguments make shamelessly biased decisions to panda to their political masters’ desires.

In Perak, the Election Commission refused to call for bye-elections after the Perak Speaker declared the 3 seats vacant. The State Secretary booted out the Menteri Besar and the Exco when a motion of no confidence on the Menteri Besar has yet to be tabled in the Assembly. The Police cordoned off the State Assembly Building to prevent the elected representatives from attending. The assembly secretary countermands the Speaker’s call for a sitting, then locks the doors of the assembly hall and throws away the keys for good measure. The state assembly has to be held under a refuge of a rain tree. We now have Rain Tree Democracy. The Judicial Commissioner disqualified a litigant’s duly appointed lawyer and appointed the opponent’s lawyer for the litigant against his wish. This is a kangaroo court dispensing Palm Tree Justice.

In Selangor, MACC issued a public statement that it had found there was a good case of corruption against the Selangor Menteri Besar, YAB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim. If putting petrol into his car used for state official functions and donating cows to the poor are corrupt acts, why is receiving RM530 Million for buying a submarine not?! The Commissioner has violated the first principle of justice that a man is presumed innocent until he is convicted. The Commissioner had become prosecutor, judge and jury. In the case of Elizabeth Wong, there was a media frenzy in violating her privacy as the media rushed in like sharks to kill her political career. That was not journalism. That was gutter politics.

In Kedah, YB Arumugam had to resign as the state exco member and state assemblymen to safeguard his family from harm. After attempted bribery failed they threatened and kidnapped him to coerce him to crossover. Although he identified the perpetrator, the police released the perpetrator allowing him to make further threats. YB Lim Soo Nee and YB Tan Wei Xu received bullets when they rejected offers of several million Ringgit to cross over. Although a video had been taken by the then BPR officer of the negotiations and offer the only action taken by the MACC was to transfer the officer.

UMNO has betrayed the peoples’ trust in transgressing the powers given for its own ends. It has become a tyrannical regime.

The Illegitimate Regime

A tyrannical regime cannot continue to rule for very long without becoming more and more violent. As the majority of the people begin to demand their rights to put pressure on the tyrant, so will the tyrant resort to more and more desperate, cruel, gross and ruthless forms of tyranny and repression. The reign of a tyrant always ends up as a reign of terror. It is inevitable because from the start the tyrant is an enemy of the common good.

UMNO has lost the moral authority to govern. As the oppressed majority becomes more and more insistent and puts more and more pressure on UMNO, we will see UMNO taking more and more repressive measures. There can only be more and more detentions, bans, propaganda, declaration of a state of emergency and other desperate and tyrannical measures. This is because UMNO cannot reform. The people have a moral duty and obligation to oppose the illegitimate regime.

Martin Luther King Jr., in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail wrote:

“There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over, men are no longer willing to be plunged into the abyss of despair. There are two types of laws: just and unjust. One has not only a legal but also a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility not to obey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that an unjust law is no law at all.”

It is our moral responsibility to oppose an unjust regime and to return the government to the people. Barack Obama is President of the United States of America today, because Martin Luther King Jr. and the people had dared to stand up for change. We have to make our stand today if we want our children to live in a just and fair society tomorrow. If not Malaysia will be a country where every one lives in fear. Harry Truman said:

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of the opposition, it has one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”

An illegitimate regime must be opposed. We must be brave enough to come out of the darkness of fear and step into the light of justice and liberty.

Assumptions for Sustaining the Repressive Regime

UMNO is counting on four assumptions to sustain their repressive regime:-

Firstly: A few in the ruling elite is able to oppress the majority through the use of force on the few dissidents to deter the others;

Secondly: There will be government officials willing to perform the various functions to maintain the regime. These include surveillance, arrest, the running of prisons and detention camps, controlling the court system and the general management of the government;

Thirdly: The opposition is fractious and will not be able to coordinate in a manner to offer an effective challenge;

Fourthly: The use of emotional and sensitive issues will provide the ideology required for the selected majority to sustain the regime;

This strategy is a time tested and proven formula. It was used with great success by Tun Dr. Mahathir each time he faced a challenge.

Vice Cannot Replace Virtue

The first assumption is based on the premise that all individuals are prudently rational individuals. It assumes that each individual acts where there is a positive payoff and not act when there is none. The assumption rest on the rational behavior of the individual that if he acts to seek change and there are insufficient others who do, there will be no change and he will suffer the sanctions by the repressive apparatus of the oppressors without any gains. If he does not act and there are sufficient others who do, there will be change and he will gain the benefits of change without incurring personal costs. Therefore it is rational for him not to act. This is the lone gunman theory. This is the reason why a lone gunman can hold several persons hostage. Each hostage knows that if all of the hostages are to pool their resources together, they will be able to overcome the gunman. However, they also know that the first to make a move will be shot. So they are unable to act because no one wants to be the first to be shot. This is why the Hindraf leaders have been detained without trial. Rallies are turned into illegal assemblies and Pakatan leaders are charged from sodomy, illegal assembly to corruption or visited by invasion of privacy and have their reputation smeared. This is the lone gunman warning the others that they will suffer the same fate if they try to move.

This assumption is flawed because the Pakatan leaders like Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Tok Guru Nik Aziz seek change not based on whether others will follow but that it is their moral duty and obligation to society to do so. They seek change because they believe in the moral values and virtues of a just society. The UMNO model does not work with individuals actuated by moral values. Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim said in his book, Asian Renaissance:

“The euphoria induced by the remarkable economic growth must also not blind us to the parallel rise in corruption, bribery, nepotism and abuse of power. Vice cannot take the place of virtue whatever may be the ends.”

These leaders believe in the values of truth, virtue, integrity and justice. They have no fear of the lone gunman. In challenging the regime, the assumption and hold of the lone gunman is broken. Their courage and conviction to seek change have given hope to the masses. The masses now dare to believe that change can happen. This is the meaning of the New Dawn, Harapan Baru, the New Hope. The many and diverse oppressed individuals and groups now dare to stand up. This is the meaning of Tsunami Politics. From Perlis to Sarawak, the long suppressed desire for liberty from oppression will gush forth. From every corner of the nation all will stand up together and UMNO will not be able to stem the tide.

Discourse is not Dissent

The second assumption that the opposition parties are fractious is flawed. Discourse is not dissent. The public and UMNO after 26 years of iron rule by Tun Dr. Mahathir are not used to public discourse. This is because in Barisan Nasional, UMNO brokes no dissent. In Pakatan, discussions are held until a consensus is reached in the course of which every party’s interest is taken into consideration. When all three parties are seeking truth there can be no dispute because there is only one truth. In the past each was seeking the truth from a different path, today, we all walk together on the same road to truth and justice. There is no coordination problem in Pakatan.

Government Servants

The third assumption that there will be officers who will do the oppressors bidding is also flawed. Although there are a few who have dishonored their profession, not all will fail. For each one that failed many others will carry out their duties with honor and dignity. There will be enough officers whose dislike for the illegitimacy and immorality of the regime will return the government agencies to the correct path.


The assumption is that the emotional and sensitive issues will be sufficient for the Malays to keep the illegitimate regime in power. This is flawed because upon raising the consciousness of the Malays to the truth, this assumption will fail. The enlightened members of society must work hard to persuade the rest of the oppressed majority that the regime is fundamentally illegitimate because it is exploitative, it is corrupted and that the true benefactors of the corrupt system are the elitist oppressors and not them. Ketuanan Melayu will never bring harmony to Malaysia. Ketuanan Melayu cannot succeed because no regime can be sustained on hate, corruption, immorality and abuse of power. It is only with Ketuanan Rakyat that we will be able to raise the nation to the heights that God had intended when we see our diversity as our strengths and not our weakness

New Hope

The desperate strategy of repression, race, religion and royalty has serious flaws. It is a recipe for disaster for UMNO. There will be regime change. It is no longer a question of IF but a question of WHEN. Mahatma Ghandi said:

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it… always.”

We must take action, we must strive and persevere but we can take heart that in the end truth and love always wins. Think of it … always.

8th March 2009

William Leong Jee Keen

Member of Parliament Selayang